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ysladmin 2024-06-15
英雄联盟主题曲叫什么       大家好,今天我想和大家谈谈我对“英雄联盟主题曲叫什么”的一些看法。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了分类,现在就让我们一







6.s7主题曲叫什么 传奇永不熄歌词介绍




       是陈奕迅的《孤勇者》。它是游戏《英雄联盟》衍生动画《英雄联盟:双城之战》的中文主题曲? ,由唐恬作词,钱雷作曲,陈奕迅演唱,于2021年11月8日以单曲的形式发布。

       2021年12月26日,该曲被网易云音乐评为网易云音乐2021年度音乐奖年度最佳单曲TOP10;12月28日,该曲获2021名人堂年度人文榜·音乐榜10大歌曲的奖项 。










       去吗 去啊 以最卑微的梦

       战吗 战啊 以最孤高的梦











       都 是勇敢的

       你额头的伤口 你的 不同 你犯的错

       都 不必隐藏

       你破旧的玩偶 你的 面具 你的自我

       他们说 要带着光 驯服每一头怪兽

       他们说 要缝好你的伤 没有人爱小丑

       为何孤独 不可 光荣

       人只有不完美 值得歌颂










       去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风

       战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦



       他们说 要戒了你的狂


       他们说 要顺台阶而上


       那就让我 不可 乘风

       你一样骄傲着 那种孤勇










       去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风

       战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦



       你的斑驳 与众不同

       你的沉默 震耳欲聋

       You Are The Hero




       不肯哭一场 (You Are The Hero)





       去吗 去啊 以最卑微的梦

       战吗 战啊 以最孤高的梦






       试听地址:这首歌的英文歌名叫做《STAR WALKIN\'》,中文版的名字是《逐星》,演唱者是一位来自于美国的说唱歌手利尔·纳斯·X,1999年,作为美国著名的说唱歌手和拳头游戏合作,演唱2022全球总决赛主题曲《STAR WALKIN》,歌曲MV的突出主题是:逐星旅程,此志无双,飞去银海,我辈志在远方。生命若不息,前行永不停,逐星至天明。



       STAR WALKIN\' - Lil Nas X

       Lyrics by:Montero Hill/Omer Fedi/Henry Walter

       Composed by:Montero Hill/Omer Fedi/Henry Walter

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       On a mission to get high up I know that

       Imma die reachin for a life that I don\'t really need at all

       Never listened to replies learned a lesson from the wise

       You should never take advice from a ni**a

       That ain\'t try

       They said I wouldn\'t make it out alive

       They told me I would never see the rise

       That\'s why I gotta kill \'em every time

       Gotta watch \'em bleed too

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       Been that ni**a since I came out my mama

       Thanking God daddy never wore a condom

       Prove \'em wrong every time til it\'s normal

       Why worship legends when you know that you can join \'em

       These ni**s don\'t like me they don\'t like me

       Likely they wanna fight me

       Come on try it out try me

       They put me down but I never cried out

       Why me words from the wise

       Don\'t put worth inside a n***a

       That ain\'t try

       They said I wouldn\'t make it out alive

       They told me I would never see the rise

       That\'s why I gotta kill \'em every time

       Gotta watch \'em bleed too

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'

       Don\'t ever say it\'s over if I\'m breathing

       Racing to the moonlight and I\'m speeding

       I\'m headed to the stars ready to go far

       I\'m star walkin\'




       As a child you would wait ,and watch from far away


       But you always knew that you\'d be the one work while they all play


       In youth ,you\'d lay---awake at night and scheme


       Of all the things that you would change


       But it just a dream……


       Here we are don\'t turn away ,now~


       We are the Warriors that built this town !


       Here we are don\'t turn away ,now~


       We are the Warriors that built this town from dust……


       The time will come when you will have to rise


       Above the best and prove yourself


       Your spirit never dies


       Farewell , I\' ve gone to take my throne above


       But don\'t weep for me ,cause this will be the labor of my love


       Here we are don\'t turn away ,now~


       We are the Warriors that built this town !


       Here we are don\'t turn away ,now~


       We are the Warriors that built this town from dust……


       Here we are don\'t turn away ,now~


       We are the Warriors that built this town !


       Here we are don\'t turn away ,now~


       We are the Warriors that built this town from dust

















s7主题曲叫什么 传奇永不熄歌词介绍


       《英雄联盟》正式宣布牵手Linkin Park,其代表作《BLACK OUT》、《CRAWLING》、《NUMB》将作为LOL的系列主题曲唱响在战争学院的每一个角落。

       林肯公园(Linkin Park)是一组来自美国加利福尼亚州的摇滚乐队,由乐队主唱查斯特·贝宁顿,麦克·信田、贝斯手菲尼克斯·法雷尔、吉他手布莱德·德尔森、鼓手罗伯·巴登和DJ采样手约瑟夫·韩组成。

       英雄联盟s7主题曲叫《Legends Never Die》,歌词如下:

       Legends never die


       When the world is calling you


       Can you hear them screaming out your name


       Legends never die


       They become a part of you


       Every time you bleed for reaching greatness


       Relentless you survive


       They never lose hope when everything's cold and the fighting's near

       寒烟饮冰四起 壮志于骨昭然

       It's deep in their bones they'll run into smoke when the fire is fierce

       烈火狷狂侵衣 余烬终将退散

       Oh pick yourself up 'cause

       抛舞汝一头颅 挥尽你之热血

       Legends never die


       When the world is calling you


       Can you hear them screaming out your name


       Legends never die


       They become a part of you


       Every time you bleed for reaching greatness


       Legends never die


       They're written down in eternity


       But you'll never see the price it costs the scars collected all their lives

       可叹伤痕累然 不见埋骨之川

       When everything's lost they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat

       天以万物夺之 便以此身为敌

       Before it all starts they suffer through harm just to touch a dream

       回首向来当年 不过逐梦少年

       Oh pick yourself up 'cause

       抛舞汝一头颅 挥尽你之热血

       Legends never die


       When the world is calling you


       Can you hear them screaming out your name


       Legends never die


       They become a part of you


       Every time you bleed for reaching greatness


       Legends never die


       When the world is calling out your name


       Begging you to fight


       Pick yourself up once more


       Oh pick yourself up 'cause


       Legends never die


       When the world is calling you


       Can you hear them screaming out your name


       Legends never die


       They become a part of you


       Every time you bleed for reaching greatness


       Legends never die


       《Legends Never Die》是2017年英雄联盟全球总决赛主题曲,由美国流行摇滚乐队Against The Current演绎,拳头游戏音乐团队、Alex Seaver of Mako以及Oliver制作。



       《Legends Never Die》背景:

       2017年9月15日英雄联盟官方宣布S7总决赛主题曲正式发布,主题曲名为Legends?Never?Die(传奇永不熄),演唱者是Against The Current乐队,主唱是Chrissy。


